Licensing of activities in the Czech Republic: is it really that difficult?

Published: June 5, 2024
For Ukrainian entrepreneurs considering the possibility of doing business in the Czech Republic, the issue of licensing activities may seem complex. However, with proper preparation and professional assistance, this process won’t take much time, effort, or financial resources. Licensing of activities is an important stage that requires a deep understanding of local legislative requirements.

What is licensing?

Licensing is the procedure of obtaining an official permit from government authorities to carry out a specific type of activity. It is necessary for several specific fields such as medicine, education, construction, transportation, and others.

According to the Czech Act on Trade Licensing (Živnostenský zákon), types of entrepreneurial activities are divided into two main categories: licensed and those subject to registration.

Licensed activities (Koncesované)

Licensed activities include those areas where obtaining a special permit or license is required. This could include services like taxi operation, sale of weapons and ammunition, pyrotechnic activities, and more.

Activities subject to registration (Ohlašovací)
    This category of activities only requires registration with the trade office and payment of an administrative fee. There are three subcategories:
  • Crafts (Řemeslné). These could be professions like butcher, baker, hairdresser, bricklayer, or confectioner. The full list can be found in Appendix No. 1.
  • Related to other activities (Vázané). For example, project activities in construction or consulting in accounting. The full list of such activities can be found in Appendix No. 2.
  • Free (Volné). This category is the most common among entrepreneurs. It includes activities that do not require professional competence or are not subject to government regulation. The full list can be found in Appendix No. 4.
Main stages of licensing
  • Determining the type of activity. First, it’s necessary to accurately determine what type of activity you plan to conduct.
  • Collecting necessary documents. To apply for a license, you need to gather all the necessary documents, which may include a business plan, financial statements, education and qualification documents.

Seeking professional assistance

Engaging a legal and consultancy agency like NAWI, which specializes in licensing activities in the Czech Republic, can greatly simplify this process. We will provide you with the necessary information and support at every stage.

While the process of licensing business activities in the Czech Republic may seem complex, it is achievable with the right approach and proper preparation. It’s important to consider all requirements and ensure the completeness and accuracy of the submitted documentation. With the assistance of our experts, this process can be significantly simplified, allowing you to focus on developing your business

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