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Professional IT accounting services from NAWI, tailored to the specifics of the IT sector in the Czech Republic.

The peculiarities of the IT business dictate unique approaches to accounting. Complex tax schemes, international operations, intangible assets — all require a deep understanding of the legislation and experience.


NAWI specializes in accounting services for IT companies. Our services include:

  • tax optimization;
  • comprehensive accounting management;
  • financial business support.
    Complex tax legislation and frequent changes in regulations
  • The Czech Republic’s tax system is one of the most complex in Europe. Regular legislative changes require ongoing monitoring and adaptation of accounting processes.
    Need to adhere to specific activity and reporting requirements
  • IT companies in the Czech Republic must maintain detailed reporting on their activities (software registration, compliance with employment rules for foreign staff), submit detailed financial reports, and special forms for VAT and corporate tax reporting.
    Challenges in maintaining accounting and calculating taxes
  • The specifics of the IT industry (working with intangible assets, cross-border operations, etc.) require deep professional knowledge from an IT accountant.
    Lack of time and resources to address accounting issues
  • Most IT companies in the Czech Republic are focused on product development and client acquisition. Allocating resources to accounting reduces efficiency and slows down business development.
    Amendments to the Income Tax Act No. 586/1992 Sb., made in 2022, significantly impacted the taxation of income from intellectual property (IP).
  • Definition of Intellectual Property

    The law has clarified and expanded the range of objects that fall under the definition of intellectual property. In particular, new types of IP included:

    • New forms of software (including cloud services, artificial intelligence).
    • Data and databases.
    • New types of design (e.g., 3D models).
    • Topologies of integrated circuits.

  • Method of Valuing Intellectual Property

    The law introduced more flexible methods of valuing intellectual property: cost, income, and comparative methods.

    The criteria that must be considered when valuing IP were specified:

    • useful life;
    • level of risk;
    • market value.

  • Conditions for Recognizing Income from Intellectual Property

    The conditions under which income from intellectual property is recognized as taxable have changed.

    Previously, actual receipt of income from IP typically meant the receipt of funds into the taxpayer’s bank account. Now, income from intellectual property is recognized on an accrual basis if there is a high probability of receiving it.

    For example:

    A company developed new software and sold a license for its use to another company. According to the contract, payment must be made within 60 days after its signing. In this case, income from the license sale is recognized at the moment of contract signing, even if actual payment is made later.

  • Tax Rates

    For some cases, the law has introduced differentiated tax rates depending on the type of intellectual property or the method of its utilization.


The Czech government actively supports the development of the IT industry. Companies in the high-tech sector can expect tax incentives and investment stimuli. 

According to the “Investment Incentives Act,” IT companies can receive corporate income tax benefits for up to 10 years, but the discount size and specific conditions depend on the type and volume of investments.

Comprehensive IT Accounting Services for Your Business in the Czech Republic
    Our IT accounting specialists are ready to take care of all your accounting needs. We offer a full range of information technology accountant services so you can focus on business development:
  • Accounting Management:

    • bank transactions;
    • cash flow management;
    • expense and income tracking;
    • payroll processing;
    • preparation of primary documentation.

  • Tax Planning and Optimization:

    • tax policy analysis;
    • consultations on legal methods of tax burden reduction;
    • preparation of tax reporting.

  • Reporting Management:

    • preparation of financial accounting reports;
    • preparation of tax reports (VAT, income tax, social contributions declarations);
    • timely submission of reports to tax and other government bodies.

  • Consultations on Taxation and Accounting Issues:

    • answers to questions about accounting and taxation;
    • consultations with IT accountants on current business management issues;
    • analysis of changes in tax legislation and their impact on your company.

  • Automation of Accounting Processes.
Key advantages of collaborating with NAWI:
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What do our clients say about us?
What type of accounting is most suitable for an IT company?
For IT companies, the accrual accounting method is recommended, which records all revenues and expenses at the time they occur, rather than when payment is actually made.
How should revenues from subscriptions and licenses be accounted for?
Revenues from subscriptions and licenses should be allocated over the duration of the contract. For example, if a client pays for an annual subscription, the revenue should be recognized monthly over the course of the year.
What tax incentives are available for IT companies in the Czech Republic?
In the Czech Republic, IT companies can take advantage of various tax incentives, including reduced corporate tax rates for innovative enterprises and tax credits for research and development.
What reports need to be submitted to tax authorities and how often?
IT companies in the Czech Republic must file quarterly and annual VAT reports, corporate tax declarations, and social contribution reports. Additional reports may be required depending on the specifics of the company’s activities.
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